Oblique Shock Diagram

This notebook shows how to plot the well known Mach-:math:`beta`-:math:`theta` relation:

\[\tan{\theta } = 2 \cot{ \beta } \left[ \frac{M_{1}^{2} \sin^{2}{\beta} - 1}{M_{1}^{2} \left( \gamma + \cos^{2}{ 2 \beta } \right) + 2} \right]\]

where \(\theta\) is the deflection angle and \(\beta\) is the shock wave angle.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import matplotlib.cm as cmx

from pygasflow.shockwave import (

Let’s specify the Mach numbers upstream of the shock wave we’d like to display, the specific heats ratio and the number of points to compute for each Mach curve:

# upstream mach numbers
M = [1.1, 1.5, 2, 3, 5, 10, 1e9]
# specific heats ratio
gamma = 1.4
# number of points for each Mach curve
N = 100

The last Mach number is supposed to represent infinity.

Let’s initialize a few colors and labels to represent the Mach curves.

# colors
jet = plt.get_cmap('hsv')
cNorm  = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=len(M))
scalarMap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=jet)
c = [scalarMap.to_rgba(i) for i in range(len(M))]

# labels
lbls = [r"$M_{1}$ = " + str(M[i]) for  i in range(len(M))]
lbls[-1] = r"$M_1$ = $\infty$"

The plot consist of three different parts: 1. The Mach curves, which are easily computed after selecting the allowable shock wave angles for each Mach number. 2. The line corresponding to a downstream Mach number \(M_{2} = 1\) (with its annotations). 3. The line passing through the point \((M, \theta_{max})\) (with its annotations).

############################### PART 1 ###############################

# plot the Mach curves
for i, m in enumerate(M):
    beta_min = np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(1 / m))
    betas = np.linspace(beta_min, 90, N)
    thetas = theta_from_mach_beta(m, betas, gamma)
    plt.plot(thetas, betas, color=c[i], linewidth=1, label=lbls[i])

############################### PART 2 ###############################

# compute the line M2 = 1
M1 = np.logspace(0, 3, 5 * N)
beta_M2_equal_1, theta_max = beta_theta_max_for_unit_mach_downstream(M1, gamma)

plt.plot(theta_max, beta_M2_equal_1, ':', color="0.3", linewidth=1)

# select an index where to put the annotation (chosen by trial and error)
i = 20
plt.annotate("$M_{2} < 1$",
    (theta_max[i], beta_M2_equal_1[i]),
    (theta_max[i], beta_M2_equal_1[i] + 10),
    arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle = "<-", color="0.3"),
plt.annotate("$M_{2} > 1$",
    (theta_max[i], beta_M2_equal_1[i]),
    (theta_max[i], beta_M2_equal_1[i] - 10),
    arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle = "<-", color="0.3"),

############################### PART 3 ###############################

# compute the line passing through (M,theta_max)
beta = beta_from_mach_max_theta(M1, gamma)

plt.plot(theta_max, beta, '--', color="0.2", linewidth=1)

# select an index where to put the annotation (chosen by trial and error)
i = 50
    (theta_max[i], beta[i]),
    (theta_max[i], beta[i] + 10),
    arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle = "<-")
    (theta_max[i], beta[i]),
    (theta_max[i], beta[i] - 10),
    arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle = "<-"),

plt.suptitle(r"Oblique Shock Properties")
plt.title(r"Mach - $\beta$ - $\theta$")
plt.xlabel(r"Flow Deflection Angle, $\theta$ [deg]")
plt.ylabel(r"Shock Wave Angle, $\beta$ [deg]")
plt.xlim((0, 50))
plt.ylim((0, 90))
plt.grid(which='major', linestyle='-', alpha=0.7)
plt.grid(which='minor', linestyle=':', alpha=0.5)
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
/home/davide/Documents/Development/pygasflow/pygasflow/shockwave.py:678: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars
  func = lambda beta: np.tan(beta) * ((M**2 * (gamma + 1)) / (2 * (M**2 * np.sin(beta)**2 - 1)) - 1)
/home/davide/Documents/Development/pygasflow/pygasflow/shockwave.py:678: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars
  func = lambda beta: np.tan(beta) * ((M**2 * (gamma + 1)) / (2 * (M**2 * np.sin(beta)**2 - 1)) - 1)

A different version of the code to obtain the Mach curves can be found it the file oblique_shock_Mach_beta_theta.py.

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