Newtonian Flow Model

A few functions to quickly estimate the pressure distribution and the aerodynamic characteristics over the surfaces of simple geometric configurations with the Newtonian Theory.

Pressure Distribution

pygasflow.atd.newton.pressure_coefficient(theta_b, alpha=0, beta=0, Mfs=None, gamma=1.4)[source]

Compute the pressure coefficient, Cp, with a Newtonian flow model.

There are four modes of operation:

  • Compute Cp with a Newtonian model: pressure_coefficient(theta_b)

  • Compute Cp with a modified Newtonian model: pressure_coefficient(theta_b, Mfs=Mfs, gamma=gamma)

  • Compute Cp with a Newtonian model for an axisymmetric configuration: pressure_coefficient(theta_b, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)

  • Compute Cp with a modified Newtonian model for an axisymmetric configuration: pressure_coefficient(theta_b, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, Mfs=Mfs, gamma=gamma)

Note that for an axisymmetric configuration, the freestream flow does not impinge on those portions of the body surface which are inclined away from the freestream direction and which may, therefore, be thought of as lying in the “shadow of the freestream”.

theta_bfloat or array_like

Local body slope [radians]. Note that for a flat plate theta_b corresponds to the angle of attack.

alphafloat or array_like, optional

Angle of attack [radians]. Default to 0 deg.

betafloat or array_like, optional

Angular position of a point on the surface of the body [radians]. Default to 0 deg.

Mfsfloat or array_like, optional

Free stream Mach number. Must be > 1.

gammafloat or array_like, optional

Specific heats ratio. Default to 1.4. Must be \(\gamma > 1\).

Cpfloat or array_like

Pressure coefficient.


  • “Basic of Aerothermodynamics”, by Ernst H. Hirschel

  • “Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics” by John J. Bertin


Compute Cp with a Newtonian model for a body with an angle of attack of 5deg:

>>> from pygasflow.atd.newton.pressures import pressure_coefficient
>>> from numpy import deg2rad
>>> pressure_coefficient(deg2rad(5))

Compute Cp with a modified Newtonian model for a body with an angle of attack of 5deg with a free stream Mach number of 20 in air:

>>> pressure_coefficient(deg2rad(5), Mfs=20, gamma=1.4)

Compute Cp with a Newtonian flow model for a sharp cone (axisymmetric configuration) with theta_b=15deg, exposed to an hypersonic stream of Helium with free stream Mach number of 14.9 and specific heat ratio 5/3, with an angle of attack of 10deg, at a point located beta=45deg:

>>> pressure_coefficient(deg2rad(15), alpha=deg2rad(10), beta=deg2rad(45))

On the same axisymmetric configuration, compute Cp with a modified Netwonian flow mode:

>>> pressure_coefficient(deg2rad(15), alpha=deg2rad(10), beta=deg2rad(45), Mfs=14.9, gamma=5.0/3.0)
pygasflow.atd.newton.modified_newtonian_pressure_ratio(Mfs, theta_b, alpha=0, beta=0, gamma=1.4)[source]

Compute the pressure ratio \(\frac{P_{s}}{P_{t2}}\), between the static pressure in the shock layer and the pressure at the stagnation point.

Mfsfloat or array_like, optional

Free stream Mach number. Must be > 1.

theta_bfloat or array_like

Local body slope [radians].

alphafloat or array_like or None, optional

Angle of attack [radians]. Default to 0 deg.

betafloat or array_like or None, optional

Angular position of a point on the surface of the body [radians]. Default to 0 deg.

gammafloat or array_like, optional

Specific heats ratio. Default to 1.4. Must be \(\gamma > 1\).

ps_pt2float or array_like

Ratio \(\frac{P_{s}}{P_{t2}}\).


  • “Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics” by John J. Bertin


Compute \(\frac{P_{s}}{P_{t2}}\) for a body with the following local body slope: [90deg, 60deg, 30deg, 0deg], immersed on a free stream with Mach number 10 having 0deg angle of attack:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pygasflow.atd.newton.pressures import modified_newtonian_pressure_ratio
>>> theta_b = np.deg2rad([90, 60, 30, 0])
>>> modified_newtonian_pressure_ratio(10, theta_b)
array([1.        , 0.75193473, 0.25580419, 0.00773892])

Compute \(\frac{P_{s}}{P_{t2}}\) for a body with the following local body slope: [90deg, 60deg, 30deg, 0deg], immersed on a free stream with Mach number 10 having 33deg angle of attack:

>>> theta_b = np.deg2rad([90, 60, 30, 0])
>>> modified_newtonian_pressure_ratio(10, theta_b, alpha=np.deg2rad(33))
array([0.70566393, 0.99728214, 0.79548767, 0.30207499])
pygasflow.atd.newton.shadow_region(alpha, theta, beta=0)[source]

Compute the boundaries in the circumferential direction (phi) in which the pressure coefficient Cp=0 for an axisymmetric object. The shadow region is identified by Cp<0.

alphafloat or array_like

Angle of attack [radians].

thetafloat or array_like

Local body slope [radians].

betafloat or array_like

Sideslip angle [radians]. Default to 0 (no sideslip).

phi_ifloat or array_like

Lower limit of the shadow region [radians]. If NaN, there is no shadow region.

phi_ffloat or array_like

Upper limit of the shadow region [radians]. If NaN, there is no shadow region.


A lambda function with signature (alpha, theta, beta, phi), which can be used to test the configuration. It represents the angle between the velocity vector and the normal vector to the surface (see Notes).


The newtonian pressure coefficient is given by:

\(C_{p} = C_{p, t2} \cos^{2}{\eta}\)

where \(\cos{\eta}\) is the angle between the vecocity vector and and normal vector to the surface:

\(\cos{\eta} = \cos{\alpha} \cos{\beta} \sin{\theta} - \cos{\theta} \sin{\phi} \sin{\beta} - \cos{\phi} \cos{\theta} \sin{\alpha} \cos{\beta}\)

This function solves \(\cos{\eta} = 0\) for phi, the angle in the circumferential direction.

Let’s consider an axisymmetric geometry, for example a cone. The positive x-axis starts from the base and move to the apex. The base of the cone lies on the y-z plane, where the positive z-axis points down. The angle phi starts from the negative z-axis and is positive in the counter-clockwise direction.

  phi_i  _|_   phi_f
       /\ | /\ 
      /  \|/  \ 
+y <-|---------|----
      \   |   /
       \ _|_ /

The pressure coefficient is positive for phi_1 <= phi <= phi_f. The shadow region (where Cp<0) is identified by 0 <= phi <= phi_1 and phi_f <= phi <= 2 * pi.


  • “Tables of aerodynamic coefficients obtained from developed newtonian expressions for complete and partial conic and spheric bodies at combined angle of attack and sideslip with some comparison with hypersonic experimental data”, by William R. Wells and William O. Armstrong, 1962.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pygasflow.atd.newton import shadow_region
>>> alpha = np.deg2rad(35)
>>> beta = np.deg2rad(0)
>>> theta_c = np.deg2rad(9)
>>> phi_i, phi_f, func = shadow_region(alpha, theta_c, beta)
>>> print(phi_i, phi_f)
1.342625208348352 4.940560098831234
pygasflow.atd.newton.pressure_coefficient_tangent_cone(theta_c, gamma=1.4)[source]

Compute the pressure coefficient with the tangent-cone method.

theta_cfloat or array_like

Cone half-angle [radians].

gammafloat, optional

Specific heats ratio. Default to 1.4. Must be \(\gamma > 1\).

Cpfloat or array_like

Pressure coefficient


>>> from pygasflow.atd.newton.pressures import pressure_coefficient_tangent_cone
>>> from numpy import deg2rad
>>> pressure_coefficient_tangent_cone(deg2rad(10), 1.4)
pygasflow.atd.newton.pressure_coefficient_tangent_wedge(theta_w, gamma=1.4)[source]

Compute the pressure coefficient with the tangent-wedge method.

theta_wfloat or array_like

Wedge angle [radians].

gammafloat, optional

Specific heats ratio. Default to 1.4. Must be \(\gamma > 1\).

Cpfloat or array_like

Pressure coefficient


>>> from pygasflow.atd.newton.pressures import pressure_coefficient_tangent_wedge
>>> from numpy import deg2rad
>>> pressure_coefficient_tangent_wedge(deg2rad(10), 1.4)

Aerodynamic Characteristics

pygasflow.atd.newton.sharp_cone_solver(Rb, theta_c, alpha, beta=0, L=None, Cpt2=2, phi_1=0, phi_2=6.283185307179586, to_dict=False)[source]

Compute axial/normal/lift/drag/moments coefficients over a sharp cone or a slice.

Rbfloat or array_like

Radius of the base of the cone.

theta_cfloat or array_like

Half-cone angle [radians].

alphafloat or array_like

Angle of attack [radians].

betafloat or array_like

Angle of sideslip [radians]. Default to 0 (no sideslip).

LNone or float or array_like

Characteristic length to compute the moments. If None (default value) it will be set to Rb.

Cpt2float or array_like, optional

Pressure coefficient at the stagnation point behind a shock wave. Default to 2 (newtonian theory).


Initial angle of the slice. Default to 0 rad.


Final angle of the slice. Default to 2*pi rad.

to_dictbool, optional

Default value to False, which would return a tuple of results. If True, a dictionary will be returned, whose keys are listed in the Returns section.

CNfloat or array_like

Normal force coefficient.

CAfloat or array_like

Axial force coefficient.

CYfloat or array_like

Side-force coefficient.

CLfloat or array_like

Lift coefficient.

CDfloat or array_like

Drag coefficient.

CSfloat or array_like

Crosswind coefficient.

L/Dfloat or array_like

Lift/Drag ratio.

Clfloat or array_like

Rolling-moment coefficient.

Cmfloat or array_like

Pitching-moment coefficient.

Cnfloat or array_like

Yawing-moment coefficient.

See also

pressure_coefficient, sphere_solver


The reference system is:

y ---------
        / |
       /  |
    x /   |

phi_1 and phi_2 are the angles starting from the -z axis, rotating counter-clockwise.


  • “Tables of aerodynamic coefficients obtained from developed newtonian expressions for complete and partial conic and spheric bodies at combined angle of attack and sideslip with some comparison with hypersonic experimental data”, by William R. Wells and William O. Armstrong, 1962.

  • Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics, John J. Bertin


Compute the aerodynamic characteristics for a sharp cone having radius 1, for different angle of attacks with no sideslip:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pygasflow.atd.newton.sharp_cone import sharp_cone_solver
>>> theta_c = np.deg2rad(10)
>>> alpha = np.linspace(0, np.pi)
>>> beta = np.deg2rad(0)
>>> res = sharp_cone_solver(1, theta_c, alpha, beta, to_dict=True)

Compute the aerodynamic characteristics for a slice of sharp cone with phi_1=90 deg and phi_2=270 deg:

>>> res = sharp_cone_solver(1, theta_c, alpha, beta, to_dict=True,
...     phi_1=np.pi/2, phi_2=1.5*np.pi)
pygasflow.atd.newton.lift_drag_crosswind(CA, CY, CN, alpha, beta=0)[source]

Compute the lift, drag and crosswind coefficients in the wind frame starting from the axial, side force, normal coefficients in the body frame.

CA, CY, CNarray_like

Axial, Side force and Normal coefficients in the body frame.


Angle of attack [radians].


Side slip angle [radians]. Default to 0 (no sideslip).

CL, CD, CSarray_like

Lift, Drag and Crosswind coefficients in the wind frame.