
pygasflow.atd.temperatures.recovery_factor(Pr, laminar=True)[source]

Compute the recovery factor.

Prfloat or array_like

Prandtl number

laminarbool, optional

If True, compute the recovery factor for a laminar flow. Otherwise, compute it for a turbulent flow.

outfloat or array_like
pygasflow.atd.temperatures.recovery_temperature(T, M, r, gamma=1.4)[source]

Compute the recovery temperature.

Tfloat or array_like

Free stream (or boundary-layer edge) static temperature.

Mfloat or array_like

Free stream (or boundary-layer edge) Mach number

rfloat or array_like

Recovery factor

gammafloat, optional

Specific heats ratio. Default to 1.4. Must be > 1.

outfloat or array_like

See also



Quotes from Section 3.1:

Consider a wall with finite thickness and finite heat capacity, which is completely insulated from the surroundings, except at the surface, where it is exposed to the (viscous) flow. Without radiation cooling, the wall material will be heated up by the flow, depending on the heat amount penetrating the surface and the heat capacity of the material. The surface temperature will always be that of the gas at the wall: Tw = Tgw, apart from a possible temperature jump, which can be present in the slip-flow regime. If enough heat has entered the wall material (function of time), the temperature in the entire wall and at the surface will reach an upper limit, the recovery temperature Tw = Tr (the heat flux goes to zero). The surface is then called an adiabatic surface: no exchange of heat takes place between gas and wall material. With steady flow conditions the recovery (adiabatic) temperature Tr is somewhat smaller than the total temperature Tt, but always of the same order of magnitude.

The total enthalpy at hypersonic flight is proportional to the flight velocity squared. This holds also for the total temperature, if perfect gas behaviour can be assumed, which is permitted for v_inf < 1.0 km/s. The total temperature Tt then is only a function of the total enthalpy ht, which can be expressed as function of the flight Mach number Minf.

At flight velocities larger than approximately 1.0 km/s they lose their validity, since high-temperature real-gas effects appear. The temperature in thermal and chemical equilibrium becomes a function of two variables, for instance the enthalpy and the density. At velocities larger than approximately 5.0 km/s, non-equilibrium effects can play a role, complicating even more these relations.


Basic of Aerothermodynamics, Ernst H. Hirschel

pygasflow.atd.temperatures.reference_temperature(Te, Tw, Me=None, rs=None, Tr=None, gamma_e=1.4, mod=False)[source]

Compute the reference temperature for compressible boundary layers.

There are three modes of operations:

  • reference_temperature(Te, Tw, rs=rs, Me=Me, gamma_e=gamma_e)

  • reference_temperature(Te, Tw, Prs=Prs, Me=Me, gamma_e=gamma_e)

  • reference_temperature(Te, Tw, Tr=Tr)

Tefloat or array_like

Temperature at the edge of the boundary layer.

Twfloat or array_like

Temperature of the gas at the wall.

MeNone or float or array_like, optional

Mach number at the edge of the boundary layer. If Me=None, then Tr must be provided.

rsNone or float or array_like, optional

Reference recovery factor. If rs=None, then Tr must be provided.

TrNone or float or array_like, optional

Recovery temperature. If Tr=None, then Me and rs/Prs must be provided.

gamma_efloat, optional

Specific heats ratio at the edge of the boundary layer. Default to 1.4. Must be > 1.

modbool, optional

Use a modified formula that gives more weight to the recovery temperature and less on the wall temperature. Useful for computations at stagnation points/lines. Default to False.

outfloat or array_like